Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Visa is in the final stages
On Tuesday, August 2, our official package of information was sent to PACA (Pan American Christian Academy) in Brazil so that they could begin the last stage of the visa process. Our passports are now all in, our official forms are all notarized and consularized. As Mike Epp, the superintendent at PACA says, "Now is the time that you really want to get people to pray." It makes a huge difference who handles the documents, whether they get put on the top or bottom of a stack, etc. as to how quickly the visa will come through. Word from Mike is that the process could take as little as four weeks, but more realistically we're looking at six to eight weeks before everything is completed and we are free to get started in Brazil. Please pray!
Cary Sawatsky posted this message at 11:24 a.m..