Prayer requests for October
We fully expect that sometime during the month of October that our work visa will be approved. News from Brazil is that things seem to be moving along well on these visas. In fact, the school's guidance counselor is in the very same situation we are. She is still waiting to get to Brazil. Her work visa was just released this week and ours was put in just days after hers was.Here is what we would really appreciate your prayers for:
1. Praise that God has taken care of selling our house.
2. Pray that God would get us to Brazil in His perfect time. Our preference is ASAP!
3. Pray that our car would sell so that the Boyds can have this taken care of and we could have the cash.
4. Pray for Shannon's police clearance. Apparently she needs one and so far the only way we can get her one is to have her travel back to a Canadian city in person.
5. Pray that we would be prepared for the flurry of activity that is about to overwhelm us after these weeks of basically waiting.
Thanks for your prayers.