Wednesday, December 14, 2005


If anyone can find a bargain it's a missionary. So when we wanted to find the cheapest way to call our friends in North America we got the same answer again and again--Skype. We are now fully set up with Skype and I must say that the process was quite painless. We bought $10 USD of "Skype Out" which, they say, gives us almost 8 hours of calling to Canada and the USA through your normal telephone lines. (Calls using Skype and your computer are free.)

We also subscribed to "Skype In" for one year, which means that you can call us at 817-717-5437 and it will only cost you what you would normally pay to call Texas (as it is a Texas number.) You can't call us using Skype yet, since we don't have our computer and internet connection hooked up yet, but this should be resolved soon. As soon as it is, you can call us almost as cheaply as we can call you. No international codes or anything either. Just dial 1-817-717-5437 and we'll pick up. We're buying a Skype-equipped phone which hooks up to our computer so your calls to this number will ring on our home phone, just like our calls from people in Sao Paulo would.

Cary Sawatsky posted this message at 11:03 a.m..