Going bananas

Shortly after we arrived here, we noticed that one of the trees in our neighbour's back yard was a banana tree, and that it had a bunch of bananas growing over our property. (middle picture) It has been interesting to see these bananas grow. They are now ripe and ready to be harvested. Having a banana tree so close has sparked our curiosity in the fruit, and we have learned that there are many different kinds of bananas--just like there are many kinds of apples in North America. Sydney is holding up a bunch of golden bananas which are much smaller, firmer, and sweeter than the bananas we're familiar with in Canada and eastern USA. On Easter break, we escaped the city again and went to the coast. We passed several banana plantations like the one pictured at the top. This is just a fraction of all the trees in this plantation. There were thousands and thousands of trees all packed together. Bananas are a big deal here, and the combination of lots of sun, warmth and rain seems to be perfect for growing them.