Sunday, November 06, 2005

...and two makes nine

Today, November 5, Shannon's parents arrived in Texas to join us. The original plan was for Mom and Dad DuBois to come in November to live with Craig and Tonya for the winter. We were supposed to have been gone long before they arrived. However, plans don't always work out as we expect, and so now there are nine of us in the house, with all five of us Sawatskys now sharing the same bedroom. Speaking of things not going as planned, Shannon's parents called us this afternoon from I-30 between Dallas and Fort Worth. After travelling nearly 1500 miles from Maine, the car broke down only an hour from their destination. Of course, we took off to help them and found out that the car had overheated. With a little time and some fresh antifreeze, we all got home in time for a late supper. After supper, Tonya was greeted in the garage by the oppossum, so Daddy D (who had brought several guns and bows with him from Maine) was called upon to do the honors of "disposing" of the pesky 'possum. Not exactly trophy case material, but let's just say that the mission was accomplished. Never a dull moment here now.

Cary Sawatsky posted this message at 1:07 a.m..